Pujya Sri Swamiji visits Jayalaksmi DYC in Clarksburg, Maryland
Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center (JDYC), Clarksburg, IL, USA
July 22 - July 26, 2024: Events Summary Report
22nd July 2024
Sri Swamiji arrived at Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center Maryland.
23rd July 2024
Sri Swamiji’s Swagata Sabha in Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center (JDYC) began with a Chandi Homa. To welcome His Holiness, Pujya Swamiji sat near Yagashala listening to the Devi Saptashati Mantras being chanted by Vid.Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi. The Homa was held in the new Homa Kunda shed built between Sripura & Jayalakshmi Bhavan.
Welcome function was held in the erstwhile barn, new renovated & named as Sripura. Sri Anil provided an introduction to Sri Swamiji. Then students of Smt. Swathi Bhagavatula followed by the students of Smt. Lakshmi Babu performed Kuchipudi dances and Bala Datta students chanted a variety of shlokas, including Dakshinamurti Stotra, among others. Devotees from the Karya Siddhi Hanuman temple in Dallas also offered a garland to Sri Swamiji to commemorate the temple’s 9th anniversary on this day. The center was vibrant with a “JDYC Mela” and “Food Mela” to help support Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center. Datta Kriya Classes were also to be conducted throughout the program days.
HH graced devotees with anugraha bhashana.
HH graced devotees with anugraha bhashana.
Key points:
● It is very important for everyone to give time, money, and attention to learning about and protecting Hindu Dharma and traditions. This also means teaching the next generation by example, as well as maintaining one’s own connection with one’s Dharma and Sadguru.
● Our bodies and wealth are temporary, but investing in Dharma is permanent
● HH said that in Hindu Dharma, all coexist together.
● Everyone should take initiative and pitch in at the center and for Sri Swamiji’s mission.
A citation from the Governor of Maryland was offered to Sri Swamiji by Vishnu Jayaraman and the Annadanam team took blessings for the food bring served. Then, Sri Swamiji blessed the children with chocolates and devotees with Darshana.
24th July 2024
In the evening, Sri Swamiji performed Sri Cakra Puja while JDYC children and matrmandali, taught by Smt. Ushodaya Harinarayanan, sang bhajans. This was followed by a beautiful rendition of an original composition as well the bhajan Jaya He Jaya He Sri Mata in Carnatic style by mother-daughter duet Smt. Ushodaya and Smt. Sundari Saripalli. Sri Swamiji blessed them with saris and rakshas. Sri Vikram Prasad, Srinivas and Lakshmi Koneru family, and ***. Lalitha Ravipati offered garlands to Sri Swamiji. HH then blessed devotees with beautiful bhajans.
Summary of Sri Swamiji’s discourse during Divya Nama Sankeertana:
● HH’s sarva dharma prayer “śiveti śaureti” contains Sri Swamiji’s mission and avatara. All faiths are equal and are included in this prayer. Sri Swamiji says that there is one God, and as is mentioned in the last line of each verse, all of the deities mentioned are one God. Sri Swamiji explained each aspect of the first verse in detail.
● Different faiths pray at different frequenies/times each day. Hindus must prostrate to the Sun 3 times each day.
● Devotees must not wait to be asked to help. It is our place, it is everyone’s responsibility. Don’t be lazy and stingy, put differences aside, and help. When everyone came and prayed together, Sri Rama’s avatara took place.
● Sri Swamiji clarified that He has composed over 6,000 bhajans; it is often mentioned as 2,000.
● HH instructs to call everyone to call Him Ganapati Swamiji or Swamiji instead of a longer version of His name
● We allow focused time for activities like food, coffee, etc. Similarly, we must concentrate and do puja as well. It only takes 5-8 mins; do it happily and with love and gratitude that you are granted another day by God to do good things.
● Tataji remains distant or close based on punya. It is like petrol. If you want to be close again, you must do more punya. Difficulties happen when Swamiji’s instructions are not abided by. Those who learned Bhagavad Gita must chant one chapter a day, and those who are eligible to chant Gayatri Mantra must do so.
● Namadeva appeared and asked HH to sing his bhajan, that is why Sri Swamiji has sung it since childhood. (Sri Swamiji sang Acyuta Ananta in the bhajan session.)
We must follow Sri Swamiji’s instructions, so that we may be worthy of his ever-flowing, boundless compassion!
A surprise Music for Meditation and Healing Session for the following day, Jayalakshmi Raga Sagara was announced.
Sri Swamiji blessed the annadanam and all of the sponsors of the JDYC programs received sacred Prasadam from Swamiji. Devotees then got darshan.
25th July 2024
In the evening was the surprise Music for Meditation and Healing Session, Jayalakshmi Raga Sagara at high school in Damascus town near JDYC. Komala and Radhakrishna Allam offered a garland to Sri Swamiji. Sri Swamiji spoke on the importance of being content and said the Music for Meditation and Healing session would be good for those with heart problems. This was a unique experience; Sri Swamiji called it an experiment, rather than a concert. HH encouraged all to practice some sort of musical instrument like flute, mrdangam, harmonium, etc. and to take care of health by swimming, and chanting Gita and thinking good thoughts while walking. He also said to have variety in the foods we eat and to eat sattvik food. We should not allow our minds to be in control.
The following ragas/tunes were played:
Rushyaketupriya - Pranavasvarupam
Mayamalavagoula - Kasipate Kasipate
Hemavati - Matrkasi Sarva Loka Rupa Dayini
Bhanukanti - Tender Touch
Cakravakam - Gauri Taye
Happy Tune
Sama - Raga Ragini Devi Mangalam
After this beautiful and unique session, the JDYC Youth and Children offered a video tour of the JDYC to Sri Swamiji. Sri Swamiji spoke on plans for the center and the activities that take place there. HH emphasized that we must not wait to be asked to help; we should not treat it as helping but as using a good opportunity. This is an order from Sri Swamiji. Do not be upset that Swamiji is not talking to you; He is always speaking to us; we must pray for the ability to listen.
JDYC board members presented a memento to Sri Swamiji. Then, T. Vishnudatta Jayaraman, presented an article authored by him which was published in Desi Talk Chicago about the Batch 9 Bhagavad Gita Parayana and Gita Utsav in Chicago. It was also published in Desi Talk New York and News India Times. Srinivas and Lakshmi Koneru honored the artists and presented them with a memento: Vid. Mysore Chandan Kumar (flute), Vid. Jaitra Varanasi (violin), Vid. Mani Narasimham (keyboard), Vid. Shankar Ramesh (mrdangam), and Vid. Amarnath Maharaj (tabla).
JDYC volunteers offered a mala to Sri Swamiji, and a youth member, Anvita, offered a special Lalitha Sahasranama mala, with each verse written on a paper lotus.

Pujya Sri Swamiji offers prayers at Chandi Homa held at Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center, Maryland - 23 July 2024

Sripuram building - an erstwhile barn, it has now been converted into a program venue at Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center, Maryland - 23 July 2024

Bala Datta students chant Shlokas during welcome function for Pujya Swamiji at Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center, Maryland - 23 July 2024

Welcome function for Pujya Swamiji at Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center, Maryland - 23 July 2024

During welcome function at Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center, Maryland on23 July 2024, Pujya Sri Swamiji holds the citation from the Governor of Maryland.

Sri Chakra Puja at high school in Damascus town near Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center, Maryland - 24 July 2024

Jayalakshmi Ragasagara - music for meditation & healing by Pujya Swamiji at high school in Damascus town near Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center, Maryland - 24 July 2024

Jayalakshmi Ragasagara - music for meditation & healing by Pujya Swamiji at high school in Damascus town near Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center, Maryland - 24 July 2024

Jayalakshmi Ragasagara - music for meditation & healing by Pujya Swamiji at high school in Damascus town near Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center, Maryland - 24 July 2024

Jayalakshmi Ragasagara - music for meditation & healing by Pujya Swamiji at high school in Damascus town near Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center, Maryland - 24 July 2024

Jayalakshmi Ragasagara - music for meditation & healing by Pujya Swamiji at high school in Damascus town near Jayalakshmi Datta Yoga Center, Maryland - 24 July 2024

Members of JDYC offer commemorative plaque to Pujya Swamiji after Jayalakshmi Ragasagara - music for meditation & healing by Pujya Swamiji at high school in Damascus town - 24 July 2024