Parama Pujya Swamiji's speech during Day 3 of Laksha Modaka GaKara Ganapati Homa

  • 12 Sep 2021
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Gam Ganapataye Namaha!


We can perform Laksha Modaka Homa (wherein eight items are used as oblations) in either a single day or in a stipulated period, based on the sankalpa, star on the day and the like. We can keep counting each day and finish one lakh in a stipulated period of time. So far, we have completed 60,000 Homa count. We still need to do 40,000 to finish one lakh. We may need two more days.


Many people have offered the Homa stick wrapped in golden thread. For tomorrow and the day after tomorrow’s Homa, your names (star or date of birth is not required) also can be written on the stick using pencil, along with ‘Gam Ganapataye Namaha’ or just ‘Gam’ For those who are participating online, your names also will be written by someone here by tonight for tomorrow’s Homa. This is a wonderful chance for all to take part.


Following Covid protocol, we are doing the Homa in a simplified manner using very few items as oblations for Homa. We are not using loads of items or a huge Homa pit. The wooden sticks/samits are collected from the trees that have fallen to the ground. Homa or Yagna usually is done in a pompous manner with a lot of items especially during Krita, Treta and Dwapara Yugas. There used to be a lot of produce in the days of yore and the people lived in prosperity. The population also was meagre. Now, we have a huge population and hence a lot of produce is required. But, the more Yagnas we do, the more prosperity we are bestowed by Paramatma.


There is a mantra that includes a prayer regarding darbha grass which is used for Homa and purificatory rituals. When we cut darbha grass, we pray that it should grow multifold. We should cut the darbha only after making sure that it can sprout again. Darbha grass must not be disposed in an improper manner because it causes harm to the cows when eaten. In every event, yantra, tantra and Yagna we do, we must do it by praying that humans tread the path of prosperity. There is no need to struggle or get into debt to do Yagnas or to worship God. If that is the case, just offer prostrations in your heart.


This evening, we will have a bhajan session. Everyone can join and offer the Sangeeta Seva to God. Datta Satyanarayana Kalyana will be performed after 6:30 pm.


Offer your prayers and desires to Ganapati. He will bestow good on all of you!


Jai Ganesha! Jaya Guru Datta!