Pujya Sri Swamiji in Malaysia

  • 31 Jan 2024 - 02 Feb 2024
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Pujya Sri Swamiji in Malaysia

Parama Pujya Sri Swamiji arrived in SGS Ashrama, Kuala Lumpur in the evening of 31st January 2024. 

Sri.Jayachandran, President of Gnana Bodha Sabha, Malaysia welcomed Pujya Swamiji in his welcome address and profusely thanked Pujya Swamiji for visiting Malaysia. Pujya Sri Swamiji spoke and said 


India has a new movement now. It is Rama movement. Even those who don’t believe in God are chanting Rama Rama 

Rama Janmabhumi was first sanctified in Treyayuga with birth of Rama 

Ayodhya is the first of the seven Mokshapuri

Sri Rama took birth in Tretayuga. He lived thousands of years and ruled akhanDa bhArata as a Dharmic emperor 

People didn’t lie or thieve in Rama Rajya. People of demonic qualities didn’t exist in Rama Rajya 

Unfortunately In Kaliyuga - gossip is Bhajan, lie-ing is Puja, ego is Dana Guna.


We have the bad karma of seeing all this Adharma take foot. It is terrible to alive now. What can be done? Divya Nama Sankeertana, Rama, Shiva, Devi Bhajans are the means of emancipation. Somehow the current times become somewhat live able. Helping those in need, having good friends are also important. Getting rid of jealousy, congratulating those who progress in life - are good qualities. You have no right to criticize others. Being happy when others progress will help your progress.


For 500 years, Ayodhya movement existed. Since times of Babur, Hindus were waiting for their good times. People prayed internally. Atma cannot be seen. As long as physical body exists, problems and afflictions exist. 


Study Bhagavad Gita. Understand its meaning. It is a direct path to understand God and truth. 

Bhagavad Gita, Sankeertan, helping those in need, festivals, Bala datta classes are the main aim of GBS.

I have come this trip to leave this area and move to a better area. 

Plans is for a small Gurunilaya, a small temple, Annadana area etc. I will go and see the place tomm. Swamiji works with divine Sankalpa. This ashrama cannot accommodate big crowds. Once we start a proper ashrama, more will come.

Build a small shed and a Gurunilaya. Hanuman will take care of the rest. 


This is the time to help. Don’t miss this opportunity. What all you can help, do it. You do good for the good of your future generations. Datta family should enlarge and help others. Sacrifice brings merit. Atma is most happy when you help others. Whatever you do, do quickly. Don’t delay. It is your duty to protect this Sabha. 

I want to build a new Hanuman temple in Malaysia. Sri Swamiji has blessed Malaysia with a beautiful Marakata Hanuman. Let us build a proper temple.


Follow Government rules and build. I wish that everyone joins to build the Hanuman temple. Your help will Infuse life into Sri Swamiji’s Sankalpa. 


So many Ashramas across the world. I am so busy. For me to return to Malaysia, do something significant and then make Swamiji return. Wake up from your slumber. 


What you did so far does not even match what awaits next. Don’t criticise anyone. Be happy good things are happening. Don’t give free advice and suggestions. Donate liberally and then give suggestions. 

Speak supportively. Committee does not do anything without Swamiji’s advice or directions.


I bless you all. 



On 1st February, Pujya Swamiji visited the land proposed for relocation of SGS Ashrama in Kuala Lumpur. Sri Swamiji blessed the committee members to proceed with the relocation after taking requisite permissions. Pujya Swamiji spent unto an hour in the hot sun and sanctified and walked around the land.


In the evening, Bhagavad Gita students of Malaysia chanted selected chapters of Bhagavad Gita during Sri Chakra Puja by Pujya Swamiji.

Sri Swamiji performed Aksharabhyasa for several children and blessed their learning.  


Pujya Swamiji spoke and said:

This trip was a blessing of Ambal.

In Mysore, Swamiji established a Rajarajeswari Devi recently. It was pending for a long time. Now it is fulfilled. During the 40 days Mandala Puja, Swamiji decided to visit Australia and Malaysia. 

During Mandala Puja, on 18th day I said - if any Australian devotee has enrolled for Puja online, I will break Mandala Puja Deeksha and visit Australia. Melbourne devotees were waiting for seven years for Pujya Swamiji visit. Many Kannada, Telugu and Tamil devotees were waiting. 

So I decided on 18th day that even if one Australia devotee has enrolled for Puja online, I will go. For the luck of Australians, there was one devotee - Murali Aduri - who had given name for Puja that day. Then I gave Deeksha to Bala Swamiji to continue Mandala Puja and went to Melbourne and Sydney. I came here also because of Murali Aduri. Here also there was small confusion about a new land for Malaysia ashrama construction. After selling the beautiful land in Nilai area, GBS Malaysia was in lookout for new land. Only recently they paid advance and finally moved forward. I went and saw the land today. 

This current ashrama has limited parking and flooding problems. 

The new land is good. There is lot of works to be done with Government permission etc. I urge you all to offer your Seva in that new Ashrama. This Sshrama has given us good memories and programs. The new land is larger. We can have temple, auditorium, rooms for Bala datta activities for Yoga, music, dance, Bhajans, Bhagavad Gita classes and programs of helping the needy. It will be a good gift for Malaysia. Many social and charitable programs is done by Gnana Bodha Sabha Malaysia. Most of our activities are social and cultural. Religion is a part of the many programs of Swamiji.  It is a work of a lifetime. Participate and be blessed. It is now the time to give whatever you can. Whatever you can offer as materials is also welcome.  Don’t delay any further. Time is short. The delay so far has been a big mistake. Don’t delay further. Hurry up. Inform me weekly updates. 


Devi has sent me here. 

I have plans to build a 144 feet tall Hanuman in Rajamundry Ashrama. Bhumi Puja will happen on 7th February morning. 

I urge you all to join in Raja Rajeswari Devi Shashwata Puja. Your affection and devotion brought Swamiji here. Continue your Seva. 


I am telling this all in public so that all devotees understand Swamiji’s Sankalpa. Most devotees have bad life changing experiences with Sri Swamiji. Show your gratitude in doing Seva for this temple. Don’t delay. You have short time. Swamiji is 81 years old. Finish the project quickly so that Swamiji can visit couple of times and bless the completed project. 


Devotees had opportunity to come and take Darshana of Pujya Swamiji. 


On 1st February 2024, devotees performed Anagha Vrata. 

At 10 AM, Pujya Sri Swamiji performed Sri Chakra Puja, Sri Rama Parivar Puja. Ashrama Satsang group sang Bhajans of Pujya Swamiji. Pujya Swamiji then spoke and said:




Swamiji recently sang Apaduddharaka Stotra of Sri Rama. It is powerful Stotra. Many in Ayodhya sing it regularly. Today it will be published in Bhajan Mala app. Second one is Salagrama Shila Stotra. People can keep Laddu Krishna, a Salagrama lookalike in their Puja. Hanuman chanted the Apaduddhara Stotra.

Plan well for the upcoming Ashrama. Donate liberally. Everyone has to leave earth one day. Do some Seva of permanent nature and go. Donate materials also. Those afflicted by Graha Dosha of Shani, Rahul, Ketu, Kuja Dosha can donate iron for construction. Angaraka dosha people can donate cement. Your next generations will benefit. This country should be well. That is my prayer.


Kuala Lumpur visit by Sri Swamiji is easier because Malaysia is closer. My divine wish is to build Rama Parivara Hanuman. Ganapathy, Shiva and Devi shrines.


Former President, Sri.Gunasekaran spoke about Sri Swamiji’s mission in Malaysia. 


In the evening Pujya Swamiji travelled Kuala Lumpur to Bengaluru.


On Saturday 3rd morning, Pujya Swamiji offered prayers at the makeshift shrine at SGS Ashrama, Bengaluru. Pujya Swamiji visited the site of temple reconstruction and blessed the efforts. Sri Swamiji announced that on 24th March 2024, the Kumbhabhishekam of reconstructed shrines of SGS Ashrama, Bengaluru will be performed. 


Pujya Swamiji arrived in Mysuru Ashrama at noon. Devotees singing Nagara Sankeertana received Pujya Swamiji at new Hanuman Dwara and led in procession. Pujya Bala Swamiji offered garland to Parama Pujya Sri Swamiji and received His Holiness from his 168th foreign tour of visits to Dubai, Melbourne, Sydney, Singapore & Kuala Lumpur. 

Mathru Mandali members perform Arati to Pujya Swamiji and welcome Sri Swamiji to Malaysia 31 January 2024
Pujya Sri Swamiji visits the new property on Sentul Road under consideration by GBS, Malaysia for relocating Ashrama. 1st Feb 2024
Pujya Sri Swamiji performs Hanuman Puja in SGS Ashrama, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 1st February 2024
Bhagavad Gita Parayana by Gita students of Malaysia at Gnana Bodha Sabha, Kuala Lumpur on 1st January 2024
Pujya Swamiji blessed several children with Aksharabhyasa - a GBS initiative at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 1st January 2024
SGS Ashrama on Jalan Kasipilay in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia