April 28, 2002

  • 22 Apr 2015
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Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji - Shani Homa - April 28, 2002 - Dattatreya Yoga Centre, Carapichaima, Trinidad

Today is a very special homa for Shani. We are preparing a very powerful vibration from this planet. He is travelling always. Sometimes for seven years, couple of days or six months, some people feel the effects. Every year Shani give some good and bad to some people. Don’t ask why? It is normal. Why like this? Is there a connection between the planets and your buddhi? Such questions people ask. Because some people took birth during this vibration. Can calculate example, if the Sun God is at 45 degree C, we get mad with the heat and vibration. If it is at 10 degrees, we get irritated. So too in the rainy season, in drought. Such vibrations are acting on us always. Parents, children get irritated, people in office get irritated. There is a chain of influence.

Shani, Rahu, Ketu are the names of some planets. Some people do not know about pujas. Then how do they survive? Some people are taking suggestions. Why are we doing what we are doing? There are bad vibrations and obstacles in life. Some people do nt know how to control this. We know. We are doing good work, spending time with Sadguru, doing pujas, singing bhajans. We are laughing, learning and earning good energy at the same time. This is satsanga, good friendship. We are taking strength to mind. We get courage and have some way to get good answer.

Astrologers believe this is a kind of circus. All dharmas believe so. An invisible hand is working on the mind. There different kinds of worship. This is not Hindu Dharma, it is universal dharma. The inner meaning of Dharma is Atma, God, knowledge. Why is it that all people like the Upanishada? Actually Vedanta is not Hinduism. It is like a Brahma, humanism. Practice knowledge. We want restriction and discipline that is why we are choosing Muslim, Christianity. Our goal or happiness is the same. We are just choosing different subjects. There are hundreds of different Upanishds. No difference in Upanishads. All say ‘Attain Brahma’. Think about yourself. Attain first yourself. Preach to yourself. Understand yourself. Don’t get too much illusions. Calm yourself and get your answer in your heart. That is Brahma.

The Upanishads give different stories or tastes. In a meal, there are different sweets, but there is one stomach. If you mix all dishes, you cannot eat that food. So you eat sweets separate, buttermilk separate. Can’t mix all and eat, you will ***. Like that the Upanishads. Each has its own taste but some go to the stomach finally, and that is what has us living and breathing. So attend Brahmana. All are necessary pujas, etc. Go step by step. Eat little by little. Air is protecting and air is coming out. Go slowly and understand the Upanishads. Mind is like a Mahabharata. So many steelpans, each with different pitch. When they are mixed, they produce a beautiful time. I am talking. The sense organs are hearing and listening. You are using all sense organs. So many methods.

Brahman is only one. Bible, Koran, Mahabharata, their inner meaning is only one. So we are believing astrology. Simply follow Guru, say mantra, sing bhajans, do work, puja. That is simple Guru or Master Upanishad. He gets happy. He knows. We believe and follow out of love. Don’t ask questions. Simply follow what Swamiji says for the sake of your life.

Go to the Internet and get the meaning of the new Yugadi bhajan for this year of Citrabhanu.

Relax, Sadguru is always with you, protecting you. Swamiji knows. He helps your family. All crying, happiness, good and bad experiences are Swamiji’s leela. Give your sickness, problems, money and I will burn it in Agni. Pray and give energy to Swamijy.

Jaya Guru Datta.