February 14, 2016

  • 18 Feb 2016
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Speech of HH Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji - Ratha Saptami - February 14, 2016 - Mysore

Compiled by Smt Hira Duvvuri

Trayeemayaaya trigunaatmadhaarine - is how the Sun *** is described. Trayeemayaaya means his form is that of the Vedas, according to the Sastras and the Puranas. With the power of the Vedas, the Sun has emerged into existence, and he rises and sets. Ratha Saptami is the most important day favored by the Sun ***, Surya. How can a particular day be special to Surya? It is Surya who is responsible for the existence of day itself. Then why do we say so? So that, at least with that pretext or excuse, we will wake up early at least on that one day.

This day of Ratha Saptami, which occurs in the Hindu calendar month of Maagha is very special for the Sun. Those who worship the Sun with prayers on this day will have all their wishes fulfilled, the scriptures such Markandeya Purana, Mahabharata, and the Ramayana say. Our combined wish is that Sri Swamiji’s good health should be restored. That wish has been fulfilled.

One should see the rising sun. Many people do not wake up early because they are afraid that life will then end soon (‘aadaaya’ meaning taking). It is when you wake up late that life is really lost.

It is said that taking the life force of all creatures, the sun rises, and that similarly, he sets. In truth, it is the opposite, according to some commentators who explain that it is ‘daaya’, which means giving. Giving life energy to all, the Sun rises. In the evening, expending all life energy, he sets. Both of these are very important in our lives, giving life and taking life. His form itself is life energy. Sun is a very important deity to all Datta devotees.

The name Poundareeka Rangasthala has been given to the arena (in Datta Peetham) because it has been named after Surappa Poundarika Yaji. Where is his name mentioned? While narrating the ancestry of Sri Swamiji’s parents, Sri Jayalakshmi Mata and Sri Narasimha Sastry, the worshipers of Sun *** are mentioned. They were all very pious souls.

Seven types of special Yagas were performed by Surappa, an ancestor, because of which he earned the titles Deekshita, Yaji, Adhvari, Makhi, and so on. Surappa Poundarika Yaji had performed such great rituals. Many people forget the significance of such great titles.

For instance, if someone’s name is Bhagyalakshmi, even as that person approaches, one should feel that the Goddess of Prosperity is approaching. We must try to justify the name we carry.

Similarly, Surappa, Suri, Sura, and Surya are all the names of Sun ***, just as the other names such as Aditya. They also indicate scholarship. Bearing the name Surappa, he actually carried out an intense worship of Sun ***.

Born in that lineage, Sri Swamiji also performs very intense Sun worship, especially on Ratha Saptami day. In the earlier days, Swamiji himself had personally taught many disciples the practice of doing Surya Namaskara and encouraged them to do them regularly without fail. Many of them who have learnt, have also forgotten what they have been taught. What they took from him, they have simply returned to him. That is not the way of a true disciple. He should accept and put into practice daily whatever has been taught by Sadguru. No child should ever complain that there is no time. The school bag might have become bigger and heavier. But that is no reason to say that there is not enough time to do the Surya Namaskaras. It is true that education has become more competitive. But using studies as an excuse, one should not neglect the performance of the Surya Namaskaras.

We are all devotees of Lord Hanuman. Are we not? Hanuman was the disciple of Lord Surya. Until the sun rises, it is not daytime. Only when the bell rings, the teacher arrives. How should a disciple behave in the presence of such a Guru? The sun is the most disciplined and the most punctual of all. We may not be able to see the sun on certain days if there is a thick cloud cover. Such days are considered bad days. That is how important the sun is in our lives. Seeing the sun, having his rays touch our bodies, seeing the sunlight, are all most highly prized.

Datta devotees especially, must respect the sun and rise early. It is not only when you are in the ashram, or when there are special programs that you should wake up early. Do not say, the past three days I woke up early, so today I will rise at ten in the morning. It is wrong to think or speak like that. Waking up early in the morning is most essential every single day. If the intellect should be sharp, one must rise early.

Hanuman, who is the disciple of the Sun, teaches that Sadguru himself is Surya. He gives enlightenment.

Yesterday, in the Yoga Vasishtha, we learned that Surya, Sadguru, Saraswati, and Subrahmanya Swami – all have their names beginning with the syllable ‘S’. It denotes a positive quality, which is a winning attribute. One should not possess any negative qualities which lead to defeat. Many seed letters begin with ‘s’. Guru Mandalam is the grouping of such powerful forces.

What does the sun do? He gives light and good health. You must respond quickly, whether your answer is right or wrong, you can worry about it later. Do not delay in your responses. He gives rains, vitamins. Sadguru and the Sun give us everything. Everything that we have, is because of them. What is it that they do not give? Never say that you have not received anything from them. Do they need to come to our homes and write and give us cheques? No. All that we have, has been given by them.

The sun gives light and removes darkness. Because of light, we live. Light is one. Light alone can dispel darkness. If you have money, you have to purchase a light bulb, install it, and turn the switch on to get the light that removes darkness. Indirectly, money might have helped. But electricity came from the sun. He gave the water that generates electricity. Both Sun and Sadguru are compared. In the summertime, the Sun shines his hot rays on dirty ponds and evaporates the pure water. He takes the water and rains an enormous shower. He has the power to fill up rivers and oceans. Ravi is another name for the sun.

Everyone must rise definitely before 7 AM. You must learn the principle about the sun and develop an appreciation and reverence. Taking one liter of water, he returns a thousand liters. Sadguru, likewise, takes one rupee from you and gives you back a thousand rupees. This is most certain. This is not about money. Whatever he takes, he gives back not doubled, but multiplied not a thousand fold, but infinite times. He does not restrict like bank interest rates. He does not take one liter of water and dump a hundred thousand liters of water in the same spot. If he did that, it would inundate the whole area as happened recently in Chennai. He will instead take, and give rains to the entire world. Sadguru similarly protects your entire family. Do not worry that so and so has not come. You do your Sadhana properly. Then all those about whom you offer prayers, will certainly benefit. We have come. Let us do our bit wholeheartedly.

The sun gives light and removes darkness. What is darkness in our lives? It is not ignorance, but laziness.

Ignorance goes with faith, devotion, and sincere effort. But laziness is hard to get rid of. Darkness is nothing but laziness. Laziness must be destroyed. One eats a lot and sleeps a lot due to laziness. He gets tired just from sleeping. Jyotishaa baadhate tamaha. Only from light, darkness is destroyed. Light has to come from the sun. You stand under the sun’s rays for ten minutes, and your health will definitely improve. You will derive and absorb different types of vitamins. Standing under artificial lights does not give such benefits.

Aditya Hridayam gave victory to Sri Rama himself. Rama was none other than Srimannarayana, Maha Vishnu. He possessed all the powerful astras. He incarnated only to *** Ravana. Yet, Sadguru arrived that day to help Rama who was completely exhausted from battle and was frustrated at his thwarted efforts at killing Ravana. Ravana remained unhurt by Rama’s powerful arrows. Sri Rama became tired. He was filled with anxiety about how to *** Ravana. Ravana was not tired. He was ready for the fight. Rama thus far had enjoyed easy victories. But now victory eluded him.

Rama’s battle tactics are superbly described in the Aranya Kanda. He rotates his bow in a circle and places it in auto mode.

Such a one here was in despair.

Rishi is Bhagavan. Sage Agastya came at such a time as Sadguru and gave the upadesa of Aditya Hridayam to Rama. A poet has claimed that if he had not done so, to this day, that battle would have continued. Ravana would remain alive and Rama would keep failing in his efforts. What a Sadguru does, is to make the impossible possible. That is his great attribute.

Sage Agastya gave a mantra and told him to do japa, instead of offering him a battle weapon. People come to Sadguru with all kinds of problems. For one drowned in debt and wishing for a financial windfall, Swamiji just hands a Raksha. The devotee gets disheartened. It is the Raksha that not only clears the debts but also showers profits.
Sri Rama did not have any doubts. He was grateful for the Upadesa. Ravana is none other than the demonic traits we have inside us.

Agastya had already given Rama many powerful weapons during the Aranya Kanda. At the battle, Rama forgot the mantras taught him earlier. Those who are asleep during sunrise, do not enjoy victory. Those who remain asleep get robbed of their life energy. Those who are awake at sunrise are rewarded with enhanced life energy. This is the special feature of the sun. That is why, whatever activity you may be engaged in, keep awake at sunrise. Let the rising sun’s rays fall on you. Wake up before sunrise.

Does it not appear rude if you give a delayed response to a greeting? The sun, who is very busy, comes and greets us with a Good Morning. He is Mitra, our friend. Viswamitra became friend of the world due to his worship of Sun. It was the sun who opened his eyes. When Viswamitra became infatuated with Menaka, ten thousand years went by. He did not brush his teeth, bathe, or see the sunrise during those years. He never skipped a meal. That is what his history tells us. One day finally he went to the river and brushed his teeth with a neem stick or ash or salt. We did that as children. Now we got used to using toothpaste. Now they question whether our toothpaste contains salt. We have forgotten our own old traditions. We got corrupted with fashion. Toothbrushes cost five rupees each those days. In the olden times only one brush was shared by the entire family. Now they are affordable and each has his own.

Because we give up our good habits, we land in trouble.

What happens if the body is neglected for ten thousand years? Perhaps Menaka complained to him about his bad breath. This is the real story. When Viswamitra finally went to brush his teeth, it was time for him to spit out. Then a bright light hit his eyes suddenly. This light hurt his eyes. He had completely lost his self-discipline. He saw the sun who had already risen and wondered what that source of light could be. He vaguely remembered what he had learned a long time ago that the sun was the soul of beings. He suddenly wondered at this. The sun was well on his journey. Instead of offering the sun Arghya, Viswamitra was now about to offer him his spit. He felt disgusted with himself. He repented having wasted his life. He remembered his duty. His reverence for the Sun returned. He now even forgot Menaka’s name. He had great accumulated power of penance. But he had fallen under the spell of Menaka. Now he told her that he did not remember her name, but knew that he had spent a long time with her and that she had fed him during that time.

Menaka was waiting for this day. She wanted him to realize what he had lost all this time. She bid him good bye. Then Viswamitra went to the Himalayas to continue his penance. He ultimately became Sage Viswamitra, all by the grace of the Sun. He was originally the king of Gadhi. The friend is Sadguru. The one who is drowned in laziness, wakes up once the flash of Sadguru shines upon him, like the bright rays of the sun.

Because Viswamitra went out to brush his teeth, the flash of sunshine fell upon him. If one does not even make that small effort, the light will not shine upon you.

That is why daily, one should see the Sun and offer him obeisance. Take a bath, go out and look at the sun reverentially. Learn Aditya Hridayam. We are devotees of Hanuman. How can we forget his Guru, the Sun? It is okay if you do not greet me, but you must first offer salutations to Sadguru Sri Swamiji. I am not pleased if you forget Sadguru and give me a greeting. You must first pray to Rama before worshiping Hanuman. That is why Swamiji first chants Ram Ram Ram Ram before chanting Jaya Hanuman Jnanaguna Sagara.

You must respect Guru first if you wish for the grace of the disciple. If you wake up at ten in the morning and chant the Hanuman Chalisa, you will not gain the grace of Hanuman, or at least, not fully.

If you went to bed late because of watching a movie, it is inexcusable. If it is because of work, it is understandable. You spoil your life trying to encourage the TV channel. Those who are forced to work late, receive a worldly exemption, although not a spiritual exemption, because they are left with no choice.

Without a justifiable reason, do not stay in bed late. Do not study till 2 AM. I request you. It becomes demonic studies, viewed from a spiritual point of view. Like jet lag, the body goes out of tune. Study early in the morning. Wake up at 4 AM or 5 AM to study. It is the best time to study. Best sleep time is from 10 PM to 4 or 5 AM. Many are under the mistaken notion that 4-5 AM is the best time to sleep. No.

Following this schedule is itself worship of the Sun ***.

Jaya Guru Datta